Understanding the Agile Software Development Ecosystem

The era today is the software application development era. The use of technological advancement in every single application is making it easier for users. The businesses, enterprises look forward to implementing software apps to improve their productivity, enhance customer-business relationships and percept success efficiently.

In the world of software app development, there are various methodologies that a development company chooses to start with. To name a few are waterfall, agile, spiral, scrum, lean and more. Out of all available listed here, a software development company mostly chooses agile methodology. Why? We have tons of reasons to support the theory!

Before we move ahead, let’s understand the agile software development ecosystem. What is it, why do a software development company pursue it, and what are the benefits of it?

What is the Agile software development ecosystem?

Agile software development as we have elaborated in our previous blogs as well is a concept that is not rigid like a waterfall model. It follows the principle of iterative software development. It is more about including modern development concepts, incorporating more flexibility, faster turnaround time with smaller milestones, transparent and strong communication within the team, and regular customer involvement.

In the agile software application development ecosystem, the belief is more towards bringing the people together, sharing ideas, ways of working, values and principles to get the development done. Even the manifesto for agile software development ascertains that agile is all about finding better ways of developing software so that user’s issues and challenges are taken care of with the help of technology.

The values agile offers are:
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiations
  • Responding to change over following the plan

Methodologies in the agile ecosystem

The goal of agile methodologies in software application development company is to understand, adapt to the changes while delivering the software app efficiently. Each method has its benefits with one sole goal of effective software app development. We are sharing a few important methodologies of the agile ecosystem in the blog. Let’s get started.

1) Scrum Methodology

Scrum methodology follows the rugby approach. In this approach, the team tries to go the distance as a unit, passing the ball back and forth. It’s best considering the competitive requirement a software application development company faces today.

The project managers use this light-weight methodology to control all types of iterative and incremental projects. A product backlog is created by the product owner that allows them to work with the team and identify and prioritize system functionality. Scrum methodology has been proven to be a productive framework and is incorporated in various practices promoted by the other Agile methods.

2) Extreme Programming

Also quoted as XP, extreme programming is the one that uses programmers who work off a detailed specification. In XP, the focus is kept on keeping a high level of customer involvement. It is more a disciplined approach that focuses on speed and continuous delivery. The five essential ways in which XP operates are communication, simplicity, feedback, respect, and courage.

The developers of a software application development company keep the design simple and clean, and customers are regularly approached for feedback and suggestions. The software app is delivered frequently and in a short interval of time. The goal in the XP framework is to improve the overall software quality and responsiveness when faced with altering customer requirements.

3) Lean Software Development

Another framework in the agile ecosystem is lean software development. It is a flexible and iterative approach that focuses on using effective value stream mapping to ensure that the team delivers value to the customer. The primary principles of lean software development are:

• Increasing learning
• Empowering the team
• Fostering integrity
• Removing waste
• Understanding the whole
• Making decisions as late as possible
• Delivering the product as fast as possible

4) Kanban Methodology

Last but not least is the Kanban Methodology. It is a visual workflow management method that allows teams to manage the overall app, product creation. It emphasizes on continuous delivery, less stress in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). It is most popular among teams that practice lean software development methodology. The three basic principles of Kanban methodology are visualizing the workflow, limiting the amount of work in progress, and improving the flow of work.

It encourages continuous team collaboration for perfect app development and defines the best possible workflow to promote an environment with active and ongoing learning, development, and improvement.


Wrapping up, the agile software development practice is favored by almost all software development companies. The agile ecosystem brings in frameworks that add to the list of effective and efficient software app development. The software development agency uses the methodologies as per their requirement and makes sure to involve customers for feedback and continuous collaboration while improving the teams’ involvement in the project.

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